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En décembre 2021, je suis allé aux Etats Unis pour la deuxième fois. J’y ai passé une dizaine de jours, et j’ai pu visiter New York, Baltimore, Princeton et Philadelphie. Les photos ont été pour la plupart prises avec des appareils photo jetables achetés sur place.

Street corner in Manhattan in the morning lights. The sun creates shadows from the building stairs on the red brick of a 'Coffee Roaster' shop.
A painting of people climbing stairs of a modern building with a tea set displayed under a glass at MoMa. Uner Armous factory seen in the night from the other side of Baltimore's port. The lights from the building are reflecting in the water.
Red sky in the background f a black city at sunset nearby the Baltimore's port.
Abstract shiny buildings of New York City seen from the ground. Huge screen on the side of a bulding where we see an ad for the film Matrx Resuraction. A busy street is in the foreground.
Gigantic christmas tree in the night of New York City.